NASA Proves Plants' Ability to Banish Toxins from Homes; Researchers Develop Categorization System
In a ground-breaking study conducted by NASA, scientists have demonstrated that plants possess the remarkable ability to cleanse the air in our homes by removing toxins and impurities.
Experts discovered that plants such as the common peace lily have secret capabilities which can eliminate a range of chemicals unknowingly produced in homes by common detergents, furniture polish, air fresheners and scented candles.

Researchers have created a system categorising them by their ability to help to remove toxins in the home. Now instead of just buying plants for the way that they look, people can choose them for their health-enhancing properties.
The 'pollutant absorption system' was developed with Dr Chris Thorogood, deputy director and head of science at University of Oxford Botanic Garden and Arboretum.
The intention is for it to be used by plant retailers, nurseries and horticulturalists, integrated into labelling, communications and at point-of-sale checkouts.
Dr Thorogood said: 'Plants are natural smart filters for indoor pollutants.
They do what is called phytoremediation, which means they are able to remove pollution and volatile organic compounds from the air. Nature has been tried and tested by evolution for hundreds of millions of years, so what better solution can there be for a natural air purifier?'
The categorisation system classifies plants into different groups, highlighting primary strengths in removing specific pollutants. Certain plants excel at eliminating specific toxins which can be found in many household items such as carpets, furniture, paints and solvents.
By understanding these plant-toxin relationships, individuals can choose their own collection of plants to create a healthier living environment.
There are five main chemicals which are commonly found in the home via household
appliances and products are xylene, trichloroethylene, benzene, formaldehyde and ammonia
A snake plant and a Janet Craig plant can remove benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene and xylene. The peace lily can remove those four, plus ammonia. The potential benefits of incorporating air-purifying plants extend beyond their ability to remove toxins.
Research has shown that plants can also increase humidity levels, reduce airborne dust and create a calming atmosphere, leading to improved concentration, productivity, and overall well-being.
By harnessing the power of nature, we have the opportunity to enhance the quality of our indoor environments and create healthier living spaces for ourselves and future generations.
As scientists continue to delve deeper into the relationship between plants and indoor air quality, it is clear that incorporating greenery into our surroundings can have a profound impact on our well-being. By embracing this natural solution, we can make strides towards cleaner, healthier indoor environments.